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Key Steps for a Successful Career in Digital Marketing

Story Of Story IT
Rasel hossain is taking from rasel islam
Md Rasel Hossain

This is Md Rasel Hossain. I was an intern at Story IT. I started my journey of freelancing in 2018 when I was studying in Intermediate. I have done my 3-month courses from SEEP which is an NGO of Save The Children. Then I was admitted to the Internship Programme Of Story IT. I have learned Search Engine Optimization, Backlinks, Communication, etc. I also had so many chances there to communicate and work with clients as well. From there I got experience in SEO. And now I am working with my Fiverr account by myself. I have a running client who is monthly basis and who is paying me up to 200$ per month. Not only that but also I’m running an online business as well. Where I am creating Facebook ads and also doing great. Thanks, Story IT for making me proud.

Success On Fiverr

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradigmatic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Fiverr earning

Rasel has performed better than expected in budget within time

John SmithCEO Of Financity

Success On Business

I have learned Facebook marketing as well. So now I am using my previous SEO skills and facebook marketing skills as well for my business. The business is about Dry Fruits called Bismillah Online Story. Business is going really well and I’m continuing the marketing and SEO as well. This is outstanding for me. I am really thankful to Story IT. Thanks for their contribution and everything.

How SEO Helping Me

Not only SEO but also Facebook marketing is helping me a lot to grow. I am locally growing my business a lot. And all credit goes somehow to Story IT. I have learned the basics of advance and communication as well. I have worked a lot, and my hard work and everything giving me good results now. I am happy that I am now doing well. Hope that in future it will be more for me.

Story it success

Story IT

Story IT is a digital marketing agency that helps people reach their goals and make their businesses grow. We work with people of all ages and specialize in marketing, social media, and content marketing. Story IT is reputed company for all your digital marketing needs.